Indestructible Life with Emily Wickham
Welcome, story lovers! Indestructible Life helps us learn more about God, others, and ourselves as we consider the stories of people in the Bible.
Are you looking for strength? Encouragement? That extra boost to recharge your walk with the Lord? Each episode features a lesson designed to increase your grasp of Scripture and inspire your relationship with God. Please join me in discovering the life JESUS is and treasuring the life God gives.
Indestructible Life also includes my YouTube messages, Prophecy Porch Talks. Based on Revelation 19:10, these brief episodes cover prophecies about Jesus from Genesis through Revelation. Let’s fill our hearts and minds with HIM!
In Christ's Love,
43 episodes
AARON: Sinner & Priest
Have you ever failed God? That's an easy answer for everyone, and for Aaron, his failure is recorded in the Bible. Ouch — we can only imagine having our failures broadcast to the world. Let's lean into Aaron's story, taking away truth we can ap...

What Will Happen at the End?
Job 19:25-27 is a richly personal passage that describes Jesus' Second Coming. Please join me for a look at this touching portion of Scripture, which provides hope and comfort for today.In Christ's Love, Emily💕
Season 7
Episode 6

MOSES: Our Weaknesses & God's Strength
How should we handle frustrations and setbacks? Moses and the Israelites encountered these types of circumstances on their wilderness journey, and their experience at Marah can help us today. Our flesh is weak, but God is our strength.In...
Season 7
Episode 5

Who Will Be in Charge?
Genesis 49:8-10 contains prophecy regarding the Lord Jesus Christ. He reigns in His people's hearts today, and He's coming again to reign in this world for 1,000 years. Please tune in to learn more.In Christ's Love, Emily💕CLARIFIC...
Season 7
Episode 4

JOB: Hope in the Midst of Suffering
Is it possible to have hope in the midst of suffering? Let's learn from the life of Job. His story teaches us that God is faithful, and He always holds a plan. Despite the reality of suffering, we can have hope because Christ IS our hope.
Season 7
Episode 3

What Does the Future Hold?
Please tune in to learn more about the Bible's first prophecy, which takes us from beginning to end. Consider where you fit into the picture, and if you don't know JESUS as your Savior, this message includes the Good News and how to be saved.&n...
Season 7
Episode 2

SARAH: A Promise Fulfilled
Can we trust God's Word? Sarah experienced a direct promise from God, and initially she responded in an interesting way. But maybe we would have done the same. Please tune in to learn more about Sarah's life, which really affects you and me tod...
Season 7
Episode 1

Every Christian Has a King
The Bible contains wonderful encouragement for us in the midst of a very troubled world. So please consider some truths about Jesus with me: He is King, and He is coming! I pray this message refreshes, comforts, and guides you as we look for ou...
Season 6
Episode 8

Waiting with Courage | Genesis 43:13-34
Dear Listeners,God reveals practical truths in His Holy Word, and this episode contains help for those who are waiting on God. Rather than waiting impatiently or with a bad attitude, Joseph's example shows the importance of waiting on G...
Season 6
Episode 7

How to Guard Your Heart | Genesis 41:46-42:24
Dear Listeners,Like Joseph, are you a victim of mental or emotional abuse? That sounds so intense, but it can happen without our awareness. Please join me in evaluating how to guard your heart as we continue learning from Joseph's power...
Season 6
Episode 6

From Humbled to Exalted | Genesis 41:1-46
Dear Listeners,Life can include crazy turns, and in this episode we'll see how the Lord lifted Joseph from the pit into an exalted place. We'll also consider more ways Joseph exemplified the Lord Jesus Christ, which will delight us as w...
Season 6
Episode 5

Forgotten Places | Genesis 40
Dear Listeners,Have you ever felt forgotten? Joseph likely did as he spent years in a dungeon for something he didn't do. Please join me in this study of Genesis 40. God's Word has a remarkable way of shedding light into our lives and l...
Season 6
Episode 4

Devastating Places | Genesis 39
Dear Listeners,Have you ever felt like life was going along relatively well... only to have the bottom drop out? Joseph might have felt the same way. This episode provides a further look at his story as recorded in Genesis 39, and it al...
Season 6
Episode 3

Joseph: An Unknown Place
Dear Listeners,Life is full of unknown places, and we often don't know what to do. Join me for another study about Joseph's life and be inspired by the way he responded to captivity. Genesis 37:28-36 and 39:1-6 contain lessons and inspi...
Season 6
Episode 2

Joseph: A Place We Would not Choose
Dear Listeners,Are you in a place you would not choose? This lesson about Joseph from Genesis 37 is meant to encourage and guide us as we walk through times of suffering. May the Lord use His Word and the insights He gave me to minister...
Season 6
Episode 1

Peace | 2 Chronicles 20
Dear Listeners, Peace can elude us, but it's always available in CHRIST. The testimony I share in this episode was my experience at the time of recording, and I trust the Lord will use it to help you in your desire for peace. So th...
Season 5
Episode 3

Rejoice! JESUS Came & He's Coming Again | John 8:56
Dear Listeners, In John 8:56, Abraham saw something that caused him to rejoice. Please join me in pondering the source of his joy and allow the same joy to fill you. In Christ's Love,Emily💕NOTE: Please follow ...
Season 5
Episode 2

Joy & Peace | Romans 15:13
Dear Listeners,Surprise! The Holy Spirit has given me a desire to reach out this Christmas season with brief meditations on joy and peace. Please join me for a look at Romans 15:13 and experience spiritual refreshment because this beaut...
Season 5
Episode 1

Using Wisdom | Selected Scriptures
Dear Listeners,We all need wisdom—especially godly wisdom. So please join me in considering three Old Testament women who displayed wisdom, leaving us valuable examples to follow. Let's learn from these ladies and appreciate the value o...
Season 4
Episode 4

Showing Hospitality | Selected Scriptures
Dear Listeners,In this episode, we'll consider biblical truths about hospitality. The account of the widow of Zarephath as well as Scripture's mention of Simon Peter's mother-in-law will encourage us to show hospitality. Instead o...
Season 4
Episode 3

A Gentle & Quiet Spirit | 1 Peter 3:1-6
Dear Listeners,In this episode, we'll consider a gentle and quiet spirit, and it might look different than what you expect. As we examine the Greek meaning of certain words and allow this passage of Scripture to take root in our h...
Season 4
Episode 2

Working with Excellence | Ruth 2 & Proverbs 31
Dear Listeners, Welcome to Season 4, Episode 1 of Indestructible Life! I'm so glad to have you join me as we begin the series, "Traits of a Godly Woman." In today's lesson, we'll consider Ruth and the Proverbs 31 Woman in light of ...
Season 4
Episode 1

Pressing On Through Trials & Spiritual Warfare | Selected Scriptures
Dear Listeners,Are you experiencing trials and spiritual warfare? Allow the Word of God to strengthen and encourage you through this lesson about pressing on. God gave me a unique selection of Bible verses to share with you, and it's tr...
Season 3
Episode 5

Praising God Even When We're Blue | Psalm 148
Dear Listeners,Thank you so much for joining me for this episode - it's been a while! I'm excited to share Psalm 148 with you, commenting throughout as the Holy Spirit leads. We'll consider the power of praise and its importance even wh...
Season 3
Episode 4

Put on the New Self | Colossians 3
Dear Listeners,Welcome back to Indestructible Life! And if you're tuning in for the first time, please know it's a joy to have you. In this episode, we'll gain valuable truths for everyday Christian living. Colossians 3 teaches what it ...
Season 3
Episode 3